Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) is an innovative financial tool for property owners to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, resiliency, and indoor air quality projects. C-PACE can provide up to 100% funding of total project costs by placing a special voluntary assessment on the property that repays the costs of the upgrades.

Measures include LED lighting, HVAC upgrades, geothermal energy, heat recovery, and high efficiency equipment such as chillers and heat pumps

Measures include implementation of any processes or equipment that demonstrates water savings of 25% or more

Improvements include solar photovoltaic power, wind power, fuel cell, solar thermal and methane gas from landfills and anaerobic digestion
SEF has openly offered to act as the Program Administrator for any local unit of government in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As a nonprofit, SEF provides any county or municipality opting into the program (outside of the city and county of Philadelphia) a uniform, turn-key C-PACE program administration platform that can be adopted at no cost to the County or Municipality. SEF offers a single point of access for Property Owners, Local Units of Government, Qualified Contractors, and C-PACE Capital Providers. The Program Administrator reviews and certifies projects that are eligible for C-PACE financing.
PA C-PACE Counties WebsiteTo facilitate the adoption of C-PACE in Pennsylvania, a set of model Guidelines were developed by the Sustainable Energy Fund (SEF) and the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) with the assistance of the City of Pittsburgh Sustainability and Resilience Division and Philadelphia Energy Authority. These model Program Guidelines are made available to local governments who elect to establish C-PACE.