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Healthy Buildings in the COVID Era

Healthy Buildings in the COVID Era: Understanding, Managing, and Monitoring Indoor Air Quality while Balancing Energy Savings

**CEU’s now available through LV AEE! There are 0.5 credits per session available for a total of 1.5 CEU’s.

COVID has ushered in a new era of concern over indoor air quality (IAQ) and its relationship with building and occupant health. As we become more aware of the need for fresh air, we must look to improve our understanding of IAQ, realize the opportunities to balance IAQ and energy efficiency, and know what opportunities exist to monitor and manage these. In this seminar, we look to elevate our knowledge of building health and understand how best to manage it. Doing so will allow building owners, facility mangers, and service providers greater assurances for occupant health both during our current health crisis and well beyond it.

The sessions featured in this seminar are:

  • Indoor Air Quality After COVID-19 – Dr. William Bahnfleth, Penn State University
    • Educational session on the what indoor air quality (IAQ) is and how COVID will affect it
  • Indoor Air Quality, Fresh Air, and Energy Efficiency: Balancing Infiltration & Energy Losses – Dennis Rumsey, Trane
    • An industry perspective on how we can utilize building systems to improve IAQ
  • Building Monitoring Systems: Finding Better Ways to Monitor and Manage Both Energy and IAQ – Wade Brosius and Mark Myers, Dynatech Controls
    • What BMS technicians can do to not only manage a building’s energy but monitor and manage IAQ

Registration for this event is now closed