What is a Stipulated Energy Savings Agreement?

The Stipulated Energy Savings Agreement is a three-party agreement between Sustainable Energy Fund, your organization, and the contractor(s) to provide energy-efficient upgrades that result in energy savings. Sustainable Energy Fund will pay the contractor of your choosing to install energy conservation measures you select. Upon completion of the project, a portion of the savings will be used to pay for the upgrades over a specified period of time. Once the term of the contract is completed, all future savings are yours.

Sustainable Energy Fund will assist you in:

Selecting a contractor Selecting a contractor
Reviewing technical documentation Reviewing technical documentation
Estimating savings projections Estimating savings projections
Lowering your utility bill Lowering your utility bill

Our Approach

Stipulated Energy Savings Agreements are an innovative approach to financing energy projects for commercial entities. Sustainable Energy Fund’s staff will assist your organization each step of the way as you consider various energy projects that will lower your operating costs.

SEF or a contractor will conduct an energy audit to identify energy savings opportunities and make recommendations for upgrades that will save energy and reduce utility bill expenses.
If the project meets both your approval and SEF qualifications, SEF will fund the project and the contractor will install the recommended measures.
Upon completion of the project, your organization will use a portion of the utility savings to pay for the energy conservation measures. Once the term of the contract is completed, all future savings are yours.